The intense volatile energy of Tevet winds down and Shvat's new rejuvenation light and energy enter. This creates a time for inner transformation that brings needed shifts and changes in our personal lives.
We are also very much aware of the klippot, the husks, or negative powers that are part of the process. Hashem in His infinite wisdom willed it so. But softening the gevurot of the klippot with the transforming light of Shvat allows us to even redeem the very necessary content that is bound up within the klippot.
Tu b'Shvat, the new year and day of judgment for trees is in two weeks. That in itself is the major pivot point that catapults us forward. I will, BeZ"H - G-d willing - be sharing more regarding Shvat in the weeks to come in the Align With Zion podcasts, so watch this space.
Send us your pics!
In celebrating the upcoming Tu B'shvat and our duty to watch over Hashem's world, send us some pictures of you hugging a tree. We'll share it closer to Tu b'Shvat here on the site. You can send your photos to info@alignwithzion.com