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AnaRina  (Heymann) Kreisman

AnaRina Bat Tzion Kreisman worked successfully in the Broadcast and Marketing Industry in South Africa, before throwing her weight in with the Jewish Agency for Israel in Johannesburg. There she was Head of Marketing, mainly promoting Aliyah (Jewish Immigration to Israel). She decided to put word to deed and made Aliyah to Israel ten years ago. In Israel she continued working in Special Projects of the Jewish Agency’s Aliyah Department. She joined the City of David in 2014 and started the Jerusalem Watch Project. In November 2018 she launched a new Biblical Advocacy program called Align With Zion. The project aims to assist pro-Israel supporters in understanding the eternal covenant and dynamic between G-d and His people (Am Israel), how it plays out in modern history, and to ultimately empower them in their support of Israel by aligning them with the true essence of Zion. Through mutual friends recognizing their shared love for G-d, His People, Eretz Israel and teaching the nations, AnaRina met Tamir Kreisman (Tent of Abraham). The couple got married Erev Shavuot 2020, in a small wedding ceremony overlooking Temple Mount and Ancient Biblical Jerusalem.

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Align With Zion

There is a worldwide awakening to the true meaning and deeper significance of Jerusalem and Zion. This is joined with a hunger and search to understand the authentic instruction and source encoded in the Hebrew language, as well as the meaning of the “Chagim” or Jewish Festivals mentioned in the TANAKH (Hebrew Bible).


If you feel that immense pull to learn more about Jerusalem (her past, presence, and future), the Jewish Festivals, the Hebrew Calendar, Prophecy Fulfillment but also just be updated with the most important news regarding Israel and its impact on the world, then this site is for you.


This site aims to be a mere introduction to how the Almighty governs His world through the multidimensional world of the Torah, the Hebrew Calendar and His Chosen People, Am Israel. Since I made Aliyah seven years ago I’ve met so many sincere hearts within the pro-Israel support circles who are genuinely looking into understanding the eternal dynamic between G-d and His people. They feel an urgency that can only be roughly defined. I hope the material and references on this site will help you to deeper define and explain that urgency and position you to be exactly where you need to be in G-d’s plan.


The Lost Ten Tribes

Align With Zion furthers awareness of the Lost Ten Tribes and their unification under Jewish Halacha. To read more about this HERE





There are a few ways that you can get and stay connected:

  • BLOG: Articles from AnaRina: Follow the articles regarding the Hebrew months, festivals and under subjects.

  • YOUTUBE CHANNEL - (Align With Zion): SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel and receive immediate updates when new videos are posted. 

  • PODCASTS: Loads of information on the Biblical Festivals, Jerusalem, G-d's governance in our world, archaeology, and more in our weekly podcasts. 

  • BOOK A LECTURE at your HOTEL or via ZOOM:  If your group is visiting Israel, or would like to have a lecture during your Bible study group, book AnaRina for a lecture at .


A Personal Request:

This is a proudly JEWISH ORTHODOX site, as is our YouTube channel. Our goal is to work together with those who want to broaden their understanding of the Jewish People, empowering them to stand with the People of Israel. I request that you will honor that. Any attempts of missionary work and comments of that nature will immediately be erased. 

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